
Who We Are

Redcarvings sells various products created from pure red sandalwood. We hold the license for the storage, manufacturing and marketing of red sandalwood products.


Botanical Name:

Pterocarpus santalinus

Chemical composition:

Pterocarpus, Santalinus A,B, Pterocarputriol, Pterocar vodiolone, lupuediol, pterostilbene, homopterocas.

Parts Used:

Heartwood and bark.

Medicinal Properties:

Is issued in traditional herbal medicine as an anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory, anthelmionitc, tonic, hemorrhage, dysentery, aphrodisiac, anti-hyper glycemic and diaphoretic.

Used in diabetics wood extract called pterosibilic used in sex pills (Viagra) in china, fruition, carving and musical instruments. Used to produce red pigmentation called sentelin used as colouring agent in alcohol industries. In sea food and cosmetics.

Used as coolant in nuclear reactors in China. Endangered species of wild flora and fauna of which India is signatory sex pills similar to Viagra. Viagra could be potentially used to treat attitude sickness.


What We Do

  1. Purchasing Red Sandalwood trees and logs through government auctions.
  2. Obtaining Permissions.
  3. Harvesting.
  4. Dressing.
  5. Lifting and stacking at our Depo.
  6. Logs exporting and manufacturing products in different categories.
  7. Marketing domestic as well as International.